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the project


The current climate emergency requires immediate and drastic action. The IPCC 1.5°C Special Report clearly states that global climate neutrality has to be reached by 2050 to avoid irreversible effects and that a collective effort from all sectors of economy and society is needed. Where many initiatives are targeting the for profit sector, much is still to be done to improve development cooperation and humanitarian organisations’ climate footprint and enhance their contribution in promoting climate action all over the world: the role that NGDOs have in promoting climate actions’ mainstreaming at organisational level, community level and institutional level has a great potential that (e)mission (im)possible wishes to build up.

Image by Annie Spratt

What do we want to achieve?


To enhance the sector potential and its leadership in climate action, (e)mission (im)possible wants to develop Higher Education qualifications in the field of climate action among development cooperation and humanitarian’s future and current professionals.


In particular, (e)mission (im)possible aims to:

  • Enhance the ability of Higher Education Institutions (HEI), development cooperation and humanitarian aid and climate organisations to train and further develop qualifications on climate action 

  • Build key climate competences enabling professionals to become true agents of change through climate action.



(e)mission (im)possible is addressed to:


  • Students, volunteers and unemployed or not yet employed development cooperation and humanitarian aid’s professionals

  • Staff and professionals of development cooperation and humanitarian aid sector 

  • Academics, teachers and universities’ departments from the development cooperation and humanitarian aid sector

  • Academics, experts and NGOs/grassroots workers from the climate and environmental field

  • Local, national and european institutions


Activities in a nutshell:

MOOC (Massive On-Line Open Course)

The MOOC, available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, is a learning path of 25 hours tailored for future and current professionals focusing on 3 main clusters: climate change basics, climate justice vision, curb organisations’ emissions.

Climate neutrality training scheme

(e)mission (im)possible training scheme “on the job” aims to build organisations staff’s competencies in climate action and provide key tools for action: a climate impact calculation tool and a handbook on transformative climate action strategy to help organisations build climate action strategies.

Methodological framework for implementation

Training actions are reinforced by a methodological framework for implementation to provide detailed methodological insights for the replicability and diffusion of (e)mission (im)possible training scheme.


4 webinars are planned to support networking and to promote replicability.

Multiplier Events

6 events are foreseen in Madrid, Rome, Lisbon, Cadiz and Bruxelles to disseminate, share the project's results and activities and reinforce networking.

Image by charlesdeluvio

Download our logo here:

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Download our brochure here:

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(e)mission (im)possible team is composed of scholars, experts and professionals from the sectors of development cooperation, humanitarian aid and climate change from Spain, Italy and Portugal engaged in promoting climate action all around the world.

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Tel: +39 0696030260


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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the Erasmus + programme of  the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of (e)mission (im)possible and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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