To support the structural shift towards climate action in international cooperation and humanitarian aid, (e)mission (im)possible partners have developed and tested a set of practical tools to calculate their emissions and define strategies to reduce them.The result of this process is the Climate Strategy Toolkit.
It is a tool for organisations in the third sector and international cooperation that want to embark on the path of developing a climate strategy to calculate and reduce their emissions.
To make the most of this toolkit, we have created the Climate Strategist Manual.
The Climate Strategist is an expert of the climate impacts of your organisation. He or she supports the organisation in recognising its climate impact and in defining strategies and actions to reduce emissions and improve climate action.
The Manual illustrates the path an organisation can take to design and implement a climate-conscious strategy. Each chapter therefore describes a different step in designing and implementing a climate strategy and indicates which of the annexes and tools to use.
Free download the Toolkit and its annexes